What is a cognitive bias?
It is a misleading and falsely logical thought pattern. It allows the individual to make a judgment or make a decision quickly. Cognitive biases influence our choices, particularly when we have to manage a large amount of information or when time is limited. This produces a form of dysfunction in reasoning that can slow us down or cause us to make mistakes.
Why a series of posts on this subject?
I have observed, given the interest generated by this theme during the courses, that Woaching lends itself ideally to the necessary step back to take the "step aside" allowing, on the one hand, to discern the biases that influence us in a given professional or personal situation, and on the other hand to determine what to do to limit their impact, to our advantage.
In the series of posts "Woaching and cognitive biases" let's look at some examples of biases to which we are all exposed at one time or another in our lives, and how to reduce their influence, to our advantage.
Francois Thouret
