Or the "lamppost and flashlights" metaphor

That each person has a lamppost that illuminates their way of seeing the world. Inside and outside of herself.
Thus, your culture, your social environment, your education, your network of relationships, your profession, your history, etc. determine the halo under your lamppost, illuminating the world as you can perceive it, from where you are on your way.
You still need to take the time to stop and look. Of course.
Woaching, by walking in nature, is a way of taking this time to look within yourself and around you.
And group Woaching allows you to increase this insight tenfold, especially when you are in a group of very different people, who do not know each other. How to explain this?
In a group Woaching program, you are encouraged to clarify your thinking in different ways.
First of all, according to the program, you are led to look into different corners of the halo of your own lamppost: during walking time alone, in pairs or in groups, you will express and note what you feel or what you see what surrounds you, on your life path.
Then, beyond this lighting, group sharing, of what each person observed under their own lamppost, will come, like so many little flashlights, to widen the halo of your lamppost.
Similarly, your own shares will act like a flashlight that widens the halo of the lamppost of the other members of the group. Now let's look at what happens if you're in a group of people you know.
It is a safe bet that these people are from the same social background, or the same profession, or the same culture, the same age, or the same life path, with common relationships, .... Their way of seeing the world is very close to yours.
When sharing in a group, their flashlight will often illuminate within the halo of light from your floor lamp. Because their lamppost overlaps with yours.
On the other hand, if the members of the group are very different and do not know each other, there is a good chance that the sharing will be like a flashlight shining beyond the halo of your own street lamp.
Thus, they will help to broaden and deepen the way you look at the world inside and outside of you. And to enrich your awareness of the possibilities available to you on your path.
I was able to observe the reality of this metaphor each time, during the "Eclairer son chemin" and "Sculpter son chemin" programs, where we take care to form groups in which the participants do not know each other. It is a decisive choice which contributes to the strength of group Woaching to light your life path.
Francois Thouret